Push Fold Charts Poker Strategy

Why Push-Fold Charts Work

FoldPush fold charts poker strategy for beginnersCharts

There are a lot of charts that need to be used or memorized in the push/fold part of the game. I am pretty shameless in having them out at the table, but you could easily put them on your phone for easy access. Lets look at a sample chart and understand how and when to use it. TurboKings push/fold charts present the profitability and expected values (EV) of each combo in a readable format so you can make informed decisions and adjust to opponents accordingly. TurboKings push/fold charts are included with your TK membership, in addition to being available for purchase individually.


Poker Strategy Push Fold Charts

Push fold charts poker strategy for beginners

Push-fold Charts are based strictly on mathematics. Using complex poker programs such as ICMIZER 3 and PokerStove, the game is able to be solved for short-stack-play. In other words, there are pre-designed ranges for each and every spot, from seating to stack depth. Memorizing the push-fold charts allows you to play these spots perfectly or based on game theory optimal (GTO) strategy.

Push Fold Charts Poker Strategy Tactics

The logic for this is simple: You are shoving with hands which are statistically likely to be ahead of your opponent’s calling range. Furthermore, these mathematical modules take it one step further and actually account for your equity when called, before recommending which hands to shove and which hands to fold.

In other words, the push-fold charts take into account that some percentage of the time you will get called (and win or lose when called). Your opponent’s calling range is based on what is game theory optimal; therefore, the push-fold charts correctly identify the hands you are supposed to play from a given position with a given stack depth.

In short, the push-fold charts ensure that you play perfect, unexploitable poker given your stack size and position.