Memory Slot Function

Obesity is also associated with a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive disease that destroys memory and cognitive function. Summary Obesity is a risk factor for cognitive. Memory Slots Located in the upper-right part of the motherboard, the memory slots are used to house the computer’s memory modules. The number of slots can vary, depending on motherboard, from 2, in low-end motherboards, all the way up to 8 memory slots, on high-end and gaming motherboards.

Is it possible to fix laptop memory slot failure with a guitar pick? Yes, it is. You will not fix the memory slot itself, but you can work around the problem. 🙂
Today I received a Toshiba Satellite Pro 4600 laptop with the following complaint:

The laptop starts and works properly, but recognizes only one of the two memory modules installed. The laptop has two 256MB RAM modules installed, but registers only 256MB.

First of all, I removed the memory cover to find out if both memory modules are installed correctly. The laptop had two 256MB Kingston modules installed and they were seated properly.

The Data wires will carry the data that is either being read from the memory to the memory controller or being written from the memory controller to the memory. The Memory Controller is also responsible for defining the memory speeds (or clock rates) for the said memory module. RAM or Random-Access Memory is a type of computer data storage and stores the files that are in use while the computer is running. These files may include various programs such as operating system.

When I started the laptop and entered the BIOS setup menu, I found that only one of the two memory modules is detected and the laptop registers only 256MB (262144KB) of RAM instead of 512MB (524288KB).
Just a side note. In the computer world 1MB=1024KB. That’s why 256MB=262144KB and 512MB=524288KB.


I tried reseating both memory modules but it didn’t help.
After that I tried installing both memory modules in both memory slots one by one and here’s what I found. The laptop worked absolutely fine when both memory modules were installed into the slot A, but failed to boot with both memory modules installed into the slot B.
Apparently, there is nothing wrong with the memory modules and the laptop has a faulty memory slot B. The memory slot is permanently soldered on the motherboard. If one of the slots fails you’ll have to replace the whole motherboard or use the laptop with only one working slot.
Buying a new motherboard for this older laptop wouldn’t make any sense because it’s too expensive, but the laptop is still in a good working condition except the faulty memory slot B, so I continued playing with that trying to find the solution.

I noticed that the laptop start normally with the memory module installed into the faulty slot if I slightly press on the module with my thumb. And this gave me an idea.

This guitar pick is going to fix my laptop. 🙂

I installed both RAM modules back into the slots and then placed the guitar pick over the module in the slot B as it shown on the picture.

Dram Memory Slot Function

I thought if I close the RAM door it will press on the guitar pick/memory module and it will have the same effect as pressing on the module with my thumb. And it worked!

Both memory modules were detected properly and the laptop registered all 512MB. After “the fix” I tested memory with Memtest86+ and the laptop passed the test.
I wouldn’t call it the best solution for fixing a faulty memory slot but in some cases it will work.


By the way, I didn’t charge the customer for this “repair”, he knows what is going on and how I “fixed” his problem.

SlotDram memory slot function

Choose the role played by the card in the secondary slot when two memory cards are inserted in the camera.





The card in the secondary slot is used only when the card in the primary slot is full.



Each picture is recorded twice, once to the card in the primary slot and again to the card in the secondary slot.


[RAW primary - JPEG secondary]

  • NEF (RAW) copies of photos taken at settings of NEF (RAW) + JPEG are recorded only to the card in the primary slot, JPEG copies only to the card in the secondary slot.

  • Pictures taken at other image quality settings are recorded twice at the same setting, once to the card in the primary slot and again to the card in the secondary slot.

If [On] is selected for [Multiple exposure] > [Save individual images (NEF)] in the photo shooting menu, or if [On] is selected for [HDR (high dynamic range)] > [Save individual images (NEF)] in the photo shooting menu, unprocessed copies of the individual NEF (RAW) photos that make up each multiple exposure or HDR image will be recorded to both memory cards together with the JPEG composite, regardless of the option selected for image quality.

The shutter release is disabled when either card is full.

Memory Slot Function

Ddr Memory Slot Function

  • Use the [Dual-format recording PB slot] item in the playback menu to choose the slot from which dual-format photos are played back.

  • When viewing dual-format photos, you can view the other copy using [Jump to copy on other card] in the i menu.